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Brain storm blog 3

I want to make a video about skiing. Theres a big crash and It end up in a dream and the style of video changes (real life me to drawings of me). I want to incorporate personal things into the video, like the pocket sandwich. I needed to be selective with the music and for the pre crash ski scene I knew i wanted to use free bird. And for the closet scene I took inspiration from Hannah Montana. I also wanted to keep it as realistic as possible like what a typical ski day looks like for me with some hyperbolic elements like the crash scene. Skiing is something that is really important to me and it is one of my hobbies outside of art. Skiing has been a way that connects me an my friends together and something nice we can do on the weekend. The crash scene was inspired by a bad crash I had when I was skiing. It was not bad but I did mess up my back a little bit and free bird was the song I was listening to when it happened. Working with after effects and premiere pro was hard at first but I got used to them the more I used them. I wanted to use different styles in my animation, so decided to have the style of me/ my character change after the crash.

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